armeniacus Kohlm. and Volkm.-Kohlm.
Bot. Mar. 30: 195-204, 1987
Ascomata 370-450 µm high x 290-370 µm
in diam., totally immersed in the substrate, subglobose, light brown (except
for the black clypeus), ostiolate, epapillate, periphysate, clypeate,
coriaceous, intimately connected with heavily decomposed wood particles,
Asci: 100-132 x 13-17 µm, 8-spored, cylindrical,
short pedunculate, unitunicate, not bluing in Melzers reagent, persistent.
Ascospores: 13-19.5 x 6.0-9 µm, 1-2-seriate,
hyaline to yellowish, appearing light apricot-colored in masses, broad
ellipsoidal, one-septate, not constricted at the septum, smooth.