Swampomyces armeniacus Kohlm. and Volkm.-Kohlm.

Bot. Mar. 30: 195-204, 1987

Ascomata 370-450 µm high x 290-370 µm in diam., totally immersed in the substrate, subglobose, light brown (except for the black clypeus), ostiolate, epapillate, periphysate, clypeate, coriaceous, intimately connected with heavily decomposed wood particles, solitary.

Asci: 100-132 x 13-17 µm, 8-spored, cylindrical, short pedunculate, unitunicate, not bluing in Melzer’s reagent, persistent.

Ascospores: 13-19.5 x 6.0-9 µm, 1-2-seriate, hyaline to yellowish, appearing light apricot-colored in masses, broad ellipsoidal, one-septate, not constricted at the septum, smooth.









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